S&A Unit Pre-General Assembly Meetings
The Student and Alumni Unit held two online meetings in March and April for unit members attending EMA’s General Assembly 2023. It was organised by Raquel Galeano (PRNet Development Executive) as a team-building space to foster a collaborative experience for all GA attendees volunteering in the S&A Unit.
First-time attendees learned from volunteers' experiences who had attended previous GAs and asked questions. Later, volunteers began brainstorming ideas for collective action they could participate in before, during & after the GA. Both meetings successfully connected S&A Unit members ahead of the GA in Lisbon.
PR + CR Huddle Pre-General Assembly Meeting
Online meeting of the GA attendees [PRs and CRs]. There were a total of 35 attendees including the GAOC Lead, the President (ad-interim) and a few MB members. The meeting started with the introduction of the participants. GAOC Lead delivered a session on the profile of GA attendees, the tentative idea behind the theme of the GA, expectations from the GA attendees, etc.
Followed by this, the director of the S&A Unit delivered a session on how to engage and promote the virtual sessions of the GA. The participants were divided into four groups and asked to put their views on a Jamboard. The interactions resulted in many suggestions that the GAOC team will compile.
Finally, in an open discussion session, the participants raised questions and queries about the GA.
S&A Unit 11th PRNet Volunteers Meeting
In continuing the mission of the Student and Alumni Unit to empower Program Representatives and be the better version of themselves. The Student and Alumni Unit’s PRNET Volunteers had their monthly huddle last March 31, 2023, to discuss the success, and achievements of our EMA Program Representatives and analyse the problems and struggles of the Unit to improve it and be more effective in the following months. It was a helpful, informative, and successful huddle.