On April 3rd, EMA’s Kosovar representative attended the Western Balkans Alumni Association’s (WBAA) networking event and formal dinner held in Pristina, Kosovo. The event gathered members of WBAA, local institutions, and EMA’s sister organizations, such as OCEANS Network. It was a great opportunity to network, exchange experiences, and provide information about the work and projects of EMA.
A full day of activities followed the networking event, including a hybrid General Assembly. Around 50 participants were present and EMA participated virtually. Ms. Hélène Benegas, from the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA), presented the EU funding and the European Year of Youth and mentioned EMA's role as part of the larger ESAA scheme of alumni organizations. The day continued with the presentation of WBAA’s new board members and Team Leaders. Additionally, a newly established Advisory Council was also presented. The report from the previous year was presented as well as plans for next year. The members also revised the changes to the Statute.
EMA also attended a special parallel session with representatives of the African Students & Alumni Forum (ASAF), OCEANS Network, and the European Students Union. During this meeting, EMA presented its structure, work, and projects. The session was productive with WBAA noting potential fields of interest for future cooperation.