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EMA Projects

Home > Projects > GlobErasmus



Project Members:

Joana Ribau Leite, Salys Sultan , Adessa Zadia, Patrícia Gonçalves, Carmen Mazijn, Hugo Silveira Gouveia, Freyan Bosma, Anna Maria Theodosopoulou 


Project Start & End:



Project Summary:

GlobErasmus was a project funded by the Erasmus+ Student and Alumni Alliance (ESAA) that gathered the knowledge of its member organizations in the field of Global Citizenship. It took place from February to May 2019 with a blended learning approach. 


The project consisted of the capacitation of all ESAA partner organisations in the field of Global Citizenship, Sustainable Development, Well-being and Sustainable Development Goals. In-person meetings and online sessions were held to plan and prepare the materials for the workshop that took place in May 2019 in Brussels, Belgium. 


Participants from all ESAA organizations worked together and a GlobErasmus toolkit was developed which can be accessed here.

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