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Home > Projects > PEN (Period Empowerment Network)


PEN - Period Empowerment Network

Project Members:

Joana Xhemali (Project Manager), Ingrid Annilo (Project and Communications Officer), Zara Alaverdyan (Partnership and Communications Officer), Elisa  Massari and Dresda Emma Méndez de la Brena (Researchers)


At the project level: Terram Pacis is the coordinator. Other project partners are listed below.




Project Start & End:

12/2018 - 12/2021


Project Summary

EMA is a full partner of the PEN project, funded under the Erasmus+ KA2-Capacity Building projects in the field of youth. The PEN-Project seeks to develop the civic spirit and skills of young and adult learners and raise awareness on menstrual health education, hygiene and management praxes by developing training programmes, community-based and campaigning interventions or strategies with youth workers & youth involved in the field of menstruation, as a means to foster menstrual health and hygiene education in youth work.


Project News

Have a look at the following two news items to learn more about the project progress. 


PEN Objectives:
Promote menstrual health and hygiene awareness, periods messages, attitudes, tools, resources, and policies through strategic cooperation and mutual learning to develop the approaches capable of challenging the social-cultural myths, the stigma and the taboos around menstruation and periods to advocate for menstrual health education in schools, in youth work and within the society.
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PEN Pedagogical Handbook


The PEN pedagogical handbook was finalized by all partners and published for distribution. It has been developed to advocate for menstrual health and hygiene, strengthening the capacity and improving menstrual knowledge, attitudes and resources among youth workers, e.g. operating on organisations' grassroots levels. The handbook can be downloaded here and shall be seen as a learning and training document.

Supporting Institutions


Co-funded by Erasmus+ Program of European Union.


The PERIOD Empowerment Network project has been co-funded with support from the European Commission.



Granted funds by Education, Audiovisual & Culture Executive Agency under Erasmus+ KA2-Capacity Building projects in the field of youth with Ref. nr.: 602137-EPP-1-2018-1-NO-EPPKA2-CBY-ACPALA.


The design, creation, development and production of the Outputs are credited to all partners, but not to an individual partner, and they are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License: CC BY-SA 4.0.



This project has been co-funded with the support from the European Commission. All publications reflect the views only of the author and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Project Partners

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Europen Institute for Local Development.
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