The African Union (AU) - European Union (EU) Innovation Agenda has been fully adopted, thanks to the approval on July 19th by the Chairperson of the African Union Commission, H.E. Moussa Faki Mahamat. This followed the endorsement by AU Ministers of the Bureau of STC-EST-4 and the endorsement on the EU side by the AGRIFISH Council on May 30th, 2023.
The new African Union (AU) - European Union (EU) Innovation Interface is part of the EU Innovation Talent Platform and will bring information on initiatives, resources and opportunities addressed to innovators, entrepreneurs, researchers and investors, generated as part of the implementation of the joint AU-EU Innovation Agenda. By doing so, it aims to connect Research and Innovator Stakeholders and ecosystems at the interface between Africa and Europe, bringing value to the impact of the Innovation Agenda.
This platform is also set to advertise the biannual virtual workshops that will take place in continuity with Cape Town’s AU-EU Innovation Festival, starting in the second half of November 2023. The interface will be updated and expanded as it implements the Agenda. You can read the European Commission’s report of the AU-EU Innovation Agenda Stakeholder Event.
You can follow other communication and action items to mark the adoption of the AU-EU Innovation Agenda in the links below:
News alert - July 20th 2023, Directorate-General for Research and Innovation
Daily news item, in French - July 20th 2023
Final version - AU-EU Innovation Agenda
Roadmap Document of the AU-EU Innovation Agenda
Updated Factsheet on the AU-EU Cooperation in Research and Innovation and the AU-EU Innovation Agenda
Factsheet on Horizon Europe’s “Africa Initiative II”
Updated website on the AU-EU Cooperation in Research and Innovation