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Programme Representatives (PRs)

EMA Programme Representatives are EMA volunteers who have been selected as representatives of their EMJMD programmes. The main job as a Programme Representative (PR) is to be the contact person between an EMJMD’s students, alumni, course coordinators and EMA. PRs are the advocate of the students and alumni of their course within EMA, and the ambassadors of EMA within their courses. It is important to note that PRs are the link between EMA and their course, and not necessarily a ‘class representative’ for the consortium/course. The main responsibilities are EMA-related!

Some examples of EMA Programme Representative activities:

Communicate and Advise: Create a blog, FB page, share (EMA) updates and news, meet students & coordinators to address issues and challenges, etc.

Social events: Organise a welcome event for new students, international themed dinners, movie nights, house parties, weekend trips, etc.

Promotion: Give a presentation about your EM course, create a promotion video, write to the newspaper about your experience, etc. And many more: Creativity is most welcome! We are waiting for new initiatives.


EMA's PRs belong to the Students and Alumni Unit. Check out the unit's page to answer open
questions and get in touch with an EMA volunteer.

Are you interested in becoming an EMA Programme Representative? Firstly, check below to see if no PR exists for your programme yet. If your programme already has a PR assigned, please reach out to them directly. The coordinators of the EMJMDs have priority in nominating the EMA PR. If the course coordinator does not nominate a PR, PRs can apply for this position via our volunteering page! If there is already a PR for your programme, you can apply to take over that position at the end of their term. The current PR term ends on 1 October 2025.

Current EMA PRs

PR Name


Email Address

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Elien Stouten

4CITIES (Master in Urban Studies)
Peter Osaigbovo- ACES-STAR (Aquaculture, Environment and Society)_edited.jpg

Peter Osaigbovo

ACES (Aquaculture, Environment and Society)
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Kelly Saavedra

ADVANCES (Advanced Development and Social Work)
Guyo Godana - AFEPA (Agricultural, Food

Guyo Dureti

AFEPA (Agricultural, Food and Environmental Policy Analysis)
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Apar Wasti

AMASE (Erasmus Mundus master program in Advanced Materials Science and Engineering)

Solmaz Hajialilou

AMIR (Master in Advanced Materials: Innovative Recycling)
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Kishan Amarasinghe

ARCHMAT (ERASMUS MUNDUS Master in ARCHaeological MATerials Sciences)
Juan Bosco Ara Díaz_AQUAH (International Master of Science in Health Management in Aquacul

Juan Bosco Ara Diaz

AquaH (International MSc in Health Management in Aquaculture)
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Rishika Gupta

BDMA (Big Data Management and Analytics)

Jose Luis Rodriguez

BIM A+ (European Master in BIM | Building Information Modelling)
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Lorena Díaz Fernández De Quincoces

BIOCEB (Biological and Chemical Engineering for Sustainable Bioeconomy)
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Hafiza Mariam

BeInPM (Be in Precision Medicine)
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Bella Mironova

CARTO (Erasmus Mundus Master of Science in Cartography)
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Stephanie Tumampos

CDE (Copernicus Master in Digital Earth)

Fernando Martinez-Urrutia

ChEMoinformaticsplus (Artificial Intelligence in Chemistry)
Sharon Otieno-ChIR (Chemical Innovation

Sharon Otieno

ChIR (Chemical Innovation and Regulation)
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Temi Ami-Williams

Choreomundus (International Master in Dance Knowledge, Practice, and Heritage)
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Jaqueline Cassemiro

CLE (Master Erasmus Mundus En Cultures Littéraires Européennes)
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Laura Sagues

CLMC (International Master in Children's Literature, Media and Culture)
John Vincent TUMANENG - CNE (Chemical Nano-Engineering)_edited.jpg

John Vincent Tumaneng

CNE (Erasmus Mundus Master Chemical NanoEngineering)
Sadia Maqsood CYBER (Cyberspace, behaviour and e-therapy)_edited.jpg

Sadia Maqsood

CYBER (Joint Master in Cyberspace Behavior and E-therapy)
Mahnoor  - Mahnoor Jamil_edited.jpg

Mahnoor Jamil

CyberMACS (Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree in Applied Cybersecurity)
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Biplab Gautam

CYBERUS (Erasmus Mundus Master in Cybersecurity)
Hedayetul Islam JEWEL - DCLead (Digital Communication Leadership).png

Hedayetul Islam JEWEL

DCLead (Digital Communication Leadership)
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Shraddha Dhamore

DAFM (Sustainability in Agriculture, Food Production and Food Technology in the Danube Region)
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Anjan Karmakar

DENSYS (Decentralised smart ENergy SYStems)
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Mishaal Ijaz

DEPEND (EMJMD in Advanced Systems Dependability)
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Hafsa Aslam 

DREAM (European Master in Dynamics of Renewables-based Power Systems)
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Luis Mauricio Ortiz Galvez

ECT+ (Environmental Contamination and Toxicology)
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Halidu Abdulai

EDISS (Engineering of Data Intensive Intelligent Software Systems)
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EDUMaH (Erasmus Mundus Programme in Education in Museums and Heritage)
Simon Sebastian Manfred Kiecker - EGEI (Economics of Globalisation and European Integratio

Sebastian Kiecker

EGEI (Economics of Globalisation and European Integration)
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Oladeji Odunola

EIMAS (European Interdisciplinary Master African Studies)
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Shadi Al-Nahari

EM3E-4SW (Erasmus Mundus Master in Membrane Engineering for a Sustainable World)
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Roberta Chissich

EMAI (Erasmus Mundus Joint Master in Artificial Intelligence)
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Hiba Qasir

EMABG (European Master in Animal Breeding and Genetics)
Kuntal CHATTERJEE- EMCL++ (Clinical Linguistics)_edited.jpg


EMCL (European Master's in Clinical Linguistics)
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David Fosca Gamarra

EMECS (Erasmus Mundus master program in Embedded Computing Systems)
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Danuta Gruszka

EMGS (Erasmus Mundus Master in Global Studies)
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Yadira Sánchez-Esparza

EMHRPP (Erasmus Mundus Master's Programme in Human Rights Policy and Practice)
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Anibal Bujanda

EMILDAI (European Master in Law, Data and Artificial Intelligence)
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Mukamediyar Rysmagambet

EMIMEP (Industry In Microwave Electronics And Photonics)
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Luis de la Cruz

EMIMEO (Erasmus Mundus on Innovative Microwave Electronics and Optics)
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Michelle Angely Mollehuara Huayas

emiSS (Erasmus Mundus Master in Soil Science)
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Zara Kaushik

EMLE (European Master in Law and Economics)
Amidu Yekini - EMMAPA (Erasmus Mundus Ma

Amidu Yekeni

EMMAPA (Erasmus Mundus Masters in Adapted Physical Activity)
Arome Ibrahim - EMMIE (Erasmus Mundus Ma

Arome Ibrahim

EMMIE (Erasmus Mundus Masters in Impact Entrepreneurship)
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Farseen Ali Puthanveettil

EMMIR (European Master in Migration and Intercultural Relations)
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Shital Bhanushali

EMOTION (European Masters in Translational Cosmetics and Dermatological Sciences)
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Maria Aliah Reyes

EMMBIOME (Erasmus Mundus Master in Biomedical Engineering)
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Sarker Mohammad Nasrullah

EMJMDPHID ( Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree in Public Health in Disasters )
Jordan HAMMOND - EPH+ (EuroPubHealth)_ed

Jordan Hammond

EPH+ (European Master in Public Health | Europubhealth+)
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Arghya Kamol Roy

EMSHIP+ (Advanced Design Of Ships And Offshore Structures)
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Reshma Haque

EPOG+ (Economic Policies for the Global transition)
Khan Mohammad Salehin- emPLANT ( Erasmus Mundus Master Program in Plant Breeding)_edited.j

Mohammad Salehin Khan

emPLANT ( Erasmus Mundus Master Program in Plant Breeding)
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Amadou Banda Ndione

ERMIT PHD (Entreprenariat, Ressources, Management, Innovation et Technologies)
Shradha Agarwal- EMTM(European Master in

Shradha Agarwal

EMTM (European Master in Tourism Management)
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Steven Abdelmassih

E-PiCO (Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree on Electric Vehicle Propulsion & Control)
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Jeffrey P. Razonabe

ESWOCHY (European Joint Masters in Social Work with Children and Youth)
Abdoulaye Boubakari - EU4M (Erasmus Mund

Abdoulaye Boubakari

EU4M (Erasmus Mundus Master in Mechatronic Engineering)
María Alejandra Mendoza - EUROCULTURE(Society, Politics, and Culture in a Global Context E

María Alejandra Mendoza

EUROCULTURE(Society, Politics, and Culture in a Global Context: Euroculture)
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Camila Morais Canellas

EUROMIME( European Master in Media Technology for Education)
Donatus Ikhane  OZEMHOYA - EUROSUD (Eras

Donatus Ikhane  OZEMHOYA

EUROSUD (Erasmus Mundus International Master in South European Studies)
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Prakriti Khanal

FIPDes (Food Innovation & Product Design)
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Farah Yesmin

FLUORISH (Joint Master Program in Resilience in Educational Contexts)
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Andrea Garcia Guzman

FOOD4S (European Master of Science in Sustainable Food Systems Engineering, Technology & Business)
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Sarah Saadeh

Food ID - Master Food Identity
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Pavan Kumar Yeditha

FRM (Flood Risk Management)
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Sarath Das

FRP++ (European Master in Advanced Structural Analysis and Design using Composite Materials)

Ajay Kumar Yadav

GEM (Geo Information Science and Earth Observation for Environmental Modelling and Management)
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Uzoamaka Anita Asiegbu

GEMMA (Erasmus Mundus Masters Degree in Women's and Gender Studies)
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Chandan Singh Rajput

GENIAL (GrEen NetworkIng And cLoud computing)
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Abran Idrees

GeoTec (Master of Science in Geospatial Technologies)
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Ani Methi

Global-MINDS (European Master in the Psychology of Global Mobility, Inclusion and Diversity in Society)
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Zain Ul Abidin

GLOBED (Education Policies For Global Development)
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Wing (Dyana) So

GLOCAL (Global Markets, Local Creativities)
Patrick Ferrity - GLODEP (Erasmus Mundus

Patrick Ferrity

GLODEP (Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree in International Development Studies)
Pradyot Sharma - GOALS (Governance and Administration of Leisure and Sports)_edited.jpg

Pradyot Sharma

GOALS (Governance and Administration of Leisure and Sports)
Rafael Chávez - GroundwatCh (Groundwate

Rafael Chávez

GroundwatCh (Groundwater and Global Change - Impacts and Adaptation)
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Charanraj Mohan

HERITAGE (Erasmus Mundus Partnership India Europe)
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Ali Hamza

HySET (Hydrogen Systems and Enabling Technologies)
Valéria ANDRADE LIMA - IDOH+ (Infectious


IDOH+ (Infectious Diseases and One Health)
Razy Aman Eddine - ILGSPD (Erasmus Mundu

Razy Aman Eddine

ILGSPD (International Law of Global Security, Peace and Development)
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Kamila Aitzhanova

IMAESC (International Master in Adult Education for Social Change)
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Lovely Moreno

IMATEC (International Master in Technology and Management for Circular Economy)
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Maria Binte Mannan

IMFSE (International Master of Science in Fire Safety Engineering)
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Jennifer Confidence

IMSISS (International Master in Security, Intelligence and Strategic Studies)
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Sachin Bhattarai

IMSOGLO (International Masters of Science in Soils and Global Change)
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Orion Forowcyz

InterMaths (International Masters in Interdisciplinary Mathematics)
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Ena Peeva

ISLANDS( International Joint Master in Islands and Sustainability)
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Inga Lang

LCT (European Masters Program in Language and Communication Technologies)
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Josselyn Yaguana

LIVE+ (Leading International Vaccinology Education)
Antidius Raphael - MAEH (Maters in Applied Ecohydrology)_edited.png

Antidius Raphael

MAEH (Masters in Applied Ecohydrology)
Md Imran HOSSAIN - MAIA (Erasmus Mundus Joint Master in Medical Imaging and Applications).


MAIA (Master in Medical Imaging and Applications)
Osazemen AGHEDO - MAiSI (Masters of Arts

Aghedo Osazemen

MAiSI (Masters of Arts in Sports Ethics and Integrity)

Dayana Sánchez

MARIHE (Master in Research and Innovation in Higher Education)
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Zannat Ara Dilshad Shangi

MBUILD (Master Degree in Sustainable Design, Construction & Management of the Built Environment)
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Muhammad Waqas Saleem

ME3+ (European Joint Masters in Management and Engineering of Environment and Energy +)
Sajal Saha - Sajal Saha_edited.jpg

Sajal Saha

MEDfOR (Master Programme on Mediterranean Forestry and Natural Resources Management)
Lilia Galvez - MEME (Erasmus Mundus Mast

Lilia Galvez

MEME (Erasmus Mundus Master in Evolutionary Biology)
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Md Mahamudul Hasan Mredul

MER+ (Marine Environment and Resources)
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Mariami Apriamashvili

MERGED (Global Environment and Development)
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Kaouther Touidjine

MESC+ (Materials Science and Electrochemistry)
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Abdul Rehman Nawaz

MESPOM (Masters in Environmental Sciences, Policy and Management)
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Maximilian Dahlems

MIR(Marine and Maritime Intelligent Robotics)
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Folco Perego

Meta 4.0 (Manufacturing 4.0 By Intelligent And Sustainable Technologies)
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Kosii Boris Canis

MITRA (Transnational Migrations)
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Joseline Vega Osornio

MLITT (Crossways in European Humanities)
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Pemelyn Santos

MSc EF -(MSc European Forestry)
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Pari Abbasli

Mundus Journalism
Daniela Horta Cortez - MundusMapp (Erasm

Daniela Horta Cortez

MundusMapp (Erasmus Mundus Masters Program in Public Policy)
Newsha MODJRIAN - MUrCS (Master of Urban Climate and Sustainability).jpeg


MUrCS (Master of Urban Climate and Sustainability)
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Uzair Hashmi

NANOMED (Nanomedicine for Drug Delivery)
Noelia Blascovich - NOHA+ (Master in Int

Noelia Natalia Blascovich

NOHA+ (Master in International Humanitarian Action)
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Mir Md. Moheuddin

QEM (Models and Methods of Quantitative Economics)
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Maria Alejandra Carvajal Diaz

PETaL (Play, Education, Toys and Languages)
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Mohammad Mukit

PIXNET (Photonic Integrated Circuits, Sensors and NETworks)
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Sayesha Khanna

PLANTHEALTH (European Master Degree in Plant Health in Sustainable Cropping Systems)
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Subrina Islam

PROMISE - Erasmus Mundus Joint Master in Sustainable Mineral and Metal Processing Engineering
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Christeena Paul Kallukaran

PSRS (Photonics for Security, Reliability, and Safety)
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S M Sakiul Islam Ripon

REM PLUS (Renewable Energy in the Marine Environment)
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Meruyert Niyazova

ReD Global (Religious Diversity in a Globalised World)
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Mohamed Abdallah Alsisi

RePIC (Redesigning the Post(Industrial City)
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Alexis Amachree

SARENA (Safe and Reliable Nuclear Applications)
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Kevin Kimaiyo

S-Disco (International Master in Sustainable Drug Discovery)

Carolina Vaz-Pires

SDSI (Joint Master's Degree Programme in Service Design Strategies and Innovations)
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Benhard Manullang

SEAS 4.0 (Sustainable Ship and Shipping 4.0)
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Mostafa Ghozal

SECCLO (Security and Cloud Computing)
Mei Kanatani - SEFOTECH (Food science te

Mei Kanatani

SEFOTECH (Food Science Technology and Nutrition)
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Diego Alejandro Garzón Castellanos

SERP+ (European Master in Surface, Electro, Radiation and Photo-Chemistry)
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Meet Deepak Savla

SINReM (Sustainable and Innovative Natural Resource Management)
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Mohammed Qasem

SMACCs (Smart Cities and Communities)
Areeb Tariq

Areeb Tariq

SMARTNET (Smart Telecom and Sensing Networks)
Ajinkyap Powar - SMDTex (erasmus Mundus

Ajinkyap Powar

SMDTex (erasmus Mundus join Doctorate Programm about Sustainable Management and Design for Textiles)
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Md Sadad Mahamud

SSIs (Joint International Master in Smart Systems Integration Solutions)
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Ahmad Hassan

STEPS (Sustainable Transportation and Electrical Power Systems)
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Gnana Pratheek KOTHAMASU

SuCat (Sustainable Catalysis)
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Fareeda Kalsoom

TCCM (Theoretical Chemistry and Computational Modelling)
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Shuvro Sen

TISE (Transition, Innovation and Sustainability Environments)
Muhammad Umar Farooq - TRIBOS (Joint European Master in Tribology of Surfaces and Interfac

Muhammad Umar Farooq

TRIBOS+ (Joint European Master in Tribology of Surfaces and Interfaces)
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Khayrul Hasan

TROPIMUNDO (Tropical Biodiversity and Ecosystem)
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Victor Almeida

WACOMA (Water and Coastal Management)
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Muhammad Usman

WAVES (Waves, Acoustics, Vibrations, Engineering and Sound)