Masters of Sport Ethics and Integrity (MAiSI) Meet and Greet
Osazemen Aghedo, EMA Programme Representative for MAiSI, organised a Meet and Greet session between students of the incoming 6th cohort and the current 5th cohort on 16th November 2022.
For new students, settling into a new country and academic system can sometimes be difficult. This is why it is advised to ask and be updated with key information so as to make settling in a bit easier and beneficial to the total experience. Relocation is not so easy and having all the information that can make one's stay less stressful can go a long way.
MAiSI's virtual Meet and Greet involved responding to various questions, clearing doubts, and sharing lived experiences and encouraging messages. It was an interesting session where both cohorts shared laughs and a lot of smiles.
Double Degree Day at Aalto University
Anusha Bhat the EMA Program Representative for Bioceb, represented EMA and her program in the Double Degree Day at Aalto University on the 22nd of November 2022 along with her local coordinator.
The goal of this activity is to Propagate joint master’s degrees and Bioceb's programme along with encouraging bachelor students to apply for the Erasmus Mundus programmes. They set up a booth and talked to bachelor students who are interested in applying. Anusha pitched the Bioceb program (with a presentation) to the interested students and staff to let them know more about the programme, encouraged them to apply, shared her EMA and EMJMD personal experiences, and answered questions from the audience.
S&A Time Management Session
Time management is the process of organizing and planning how to divide your time between different activities. As a student and, at the same time, as a volunteer, we sometimes experience burnout and mental health issues caused by a lot of demands at schools, work, and volunteering activities. Hence, on 22 November 2022, the Student and Alumni Unit hosted a Time Management Session with Dr. Katharina F. Heil, former EMA President as the guest speaker. The session aimed to help volunteers manage their busy schedule and organize it properly. S&A volunteers and Program Representatives attended the successful session.
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